What is the only vegetable that is never frozen?

The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any form but fresh lettuce.

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Benefits of Lettice
It's low in fiber,
It has a high water content
Making it a refreshing choice during hot weather. 
It also provides calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and folate. 
The nutrients in iceberg lettuce can help you to meet the standard daily requirements for several vitamins and minerals.

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Which lettuce is the best for you?

Romaine lettuce is another good source of folic acid. Its dark green color, long leaves, and crunchy texture make it a very popular salad base. Romaine is rich in vitamins A and K, but it isn't quite a mineral powerhouse. Mix it with some spinach or kale to pack in more antioxidants, or opt for a pre-mixed blend.

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